
Feb 9, 20222 min

Nurture with Love

Mothering is a JOB. It never gets a day off, or a rest break for that matter, LOL. It's primary concern is with raising children, keeping them safe, healthy, and developmentally ahead or on point. Of course there are more features involved, but that's the basics. Making the decision of what they will eat, wear, where they will go to school, what church to be a part of are decisions that are not just made for the NOW but for the THEN. Nurturing with love challenges me to see them and experience them now while stewarding their movements for the then.

Trying things will happen. The other day I had a difficult interaction with my son. I literally tried to use words that I thought clearly explained my expectations to him 5 times and still it did not register. Why do you ask? The thing I was explaining was a lesson he needs to pass in preparation for his future. I know that having this knowledge will be needed and expected of him in the future so--- he could not pass go, could not collect $200 until he understood that 'this line' is not to be crossed. At the end of the night we talked and he reluctantly gave in to my demands because he understood that it was coming from a place of love.

Giving from spaces that sometimes run low, is where and when LOVE counts the most. Because our lives move at a fast pace, it is easy to get caught up in the doing and forget the reason why we do what we do. We nurture our families with all the things because we love them and want to see them become everything that they hold potential for. This is the satisfaction that comes with working from the reservoir of love...it never runs out.

They see you. The picture above is from the perspective of my eight year old daughter. She sees everything; she's short, I'm tall, she's the color of cheesecake, I'm a perfect shade of coffee with a perfect mix of cream, She's got muscles, and I've Jesus (the cross) on my heart. They see you more clearly than you can perceive...nurture them intentionally with love, be vulnerable, and show them your heart.
