
Aug 30, 20212 min

Do what HE's leading you to do.

There is a soul that lives in a body that's guided by a "Spirit". Sounds a bit strange a first, but when you think about it, the brain is not what always guides your decisions. Some people describe it as a "gut"feeling, how it resonates with them- on the inside. Others determine the level of "peace" they have around the topic, this, they use as a determining factor whether to move or stay put. Then another group describes the effect a thing has on their "heart". They often speak about a thing weighing or pulling at their emotions, I believe that tug for a believer, is the Holy Spirit trying to get our attention to lead us to a place behind what our minds can conceive.

I often reflect on the life of Jesus, as an example, while living He told people to follow me. But as He prepared the disciples for his death and later return to the the Father, He told them, "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you." It is in moments like this that you find confidence to make the hard decisions in life, because there is a place within you that knows that the direction you are sensing, is true and right.

The unfortunately reality of being human, is that we are flawed and determined in our wrong-doing. We will often sense or feel the Holy Spirit, or Spirit of truth, attempting to get our attention, and we choose to mute it, correct it, ask it questions, or doubt that our "spirit, gut, disturbed peace, and heart" are right. In moment like that the mind is trying to tell you that you are going the wrong way, you have no evidence that it will work, that's not using logical reasoning, nor have you witnessed anyone do this and succeed, you should play it safe and not go that way.

At the end of the day you- the you in it's entirety has to decide which you will choose to believe and follow. For me, I fall back on the idea of what is more pleasing to the father. In the book of Hebrews, it says that without faith it is impossible to please God the Father. If this is true I have to ask myself which scenario would require faith or even CRAZY faith, versus the option that I could achieve on my own---that's the direction your Spirit of truth is trying to direct you. Don't ignore it or be shaken by fear...push through with eyes of faith, trust the voice that is sending you. He can not lie- it's impossible. Someone like that is worth trusting. Do the thing He's leading you to do.
